Add SET NOCOUNT ON to the top of the trigger definition. This will suppress the additional rows affected message that emanates from the trigger and confuses SSMS.
otherwise, some times its through an errror :
The row value(s) updated or delted either do not make the row unique or they alter multiple rows
CREATE TRIGGER trgProcessHistory ON M_Process AFTER UPDATE AS SET NOCOUNT ON; IF( UPDATE (Rate) OR UPDATE (LocationID) OR UPDATE (LOBID) OR UPDATE (ProcessDescription) OR UPDATE (System) OR UPDATE (Active) OR UPDATE (CreatedBy) OR UPDATE (CreatedOn) OR UPDATE (ModifiedBy) OR UPDATE (ModifiedOn) ) BEGIN INSERT INTO dbo.M_ProcessHistory( SeqID,LOBID,LocationID,ProcessDescription,System,Rate,Active, CreatedBy,CreatedOn,ModifiedBy,ModifiedOn,UpdatedOn, DBLoginName,ClientIP) SELECT SeqID,LOBID,LocationID,ProcessDescription,System,Rate,Active, CreatedBy,CreatedOn,ModifiedBy,ModifiedOn,getdate(), user_name(),Host_Name() FROM deleted ; END;
04:55 |
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